Module quasardb.stats

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import re
import copy
import quasardb
import logging
from datetime import datetime

logger = logging.getLogger('quasardb.stats')

stats_prefix  = '$qdb.statistics.'
user_pattern  = re.compile(r'\$qdb.statistics.(.*).uid_([0-9]+)$')
total_pattern = re.compile(r'\$qdb.statistics.(.*)$')

def is_user_stat(s):
    return user_pattern.match(s) is not None

def is_cumulative_stat(s):
    # NOTE(leon): It's quite difficult to express in Python that you don't want any
    # regex to _end_ with uid_[0-9]+, because Python's regex engine doesn't support
    # variable width look-behind.
    # An alternative would be to use the PyPi regex library (for POSIX regexes), but
    # want to stay light on dependencies#
    # As such, we define a 'cumulative' stat as anything that's not a user stat.
    # Simple but effective.
    return user_pattern.match(s) is None

def by_node(conn):
    Returns statistic grouped by node URI.

    conn: quasardb.Cluster
      Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
    return {x: of_node(conn, x) for x in conn.endpoints()}

def of_node(conn, uri):
    Returns statistic for a single node.

    conn: quasardb.Cluster
      Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster

    uri: str
      URI of a node in the cluster, e.g. ''.

    start =

    dconn = conn.node(uri)
    raw = {
        k: _get_stat(dconn,k) for k in dconn.prefix_get(stats_prefix, 1000)}

    ret = {'by_uid': _by_uid(raw),
           'cumulative': _cumulative(raw)}

    check_duration = - start

    ret['cumulative'][''] = 1
    ret['cumulative']['check.duration_ms'] = int(check_duration.total_seconds() * 1000)

    return ret

_stat_types = {'requests.bytes_out': 'counter',
               'requests.bytes_in': 'counter',
               'async_pipelines.merge.bucket_count': 'counter',
               'async_pipelines.merge.duration_us': 'counter',
               'async_pipelines.write.successes_count': 'counter',
               'async_pipelines.write.failures_count': 'counter',
               'async_pipelines.write.time_us': 'counter'}

async_pipeline_bytes_pattern  = re.compile(r'async_pipelines.pipe_[0-9]+.merge_map.bytes')
async_pipeline_count_pattern  = re.compile(r'async_pipelines.pipe_[0-9]+.merge_map.count')

def _stat_type(stat_id):
    Returns the statistic type by a stat id. Returns one of:

     - 'gauge'
     - 'counter'

    This is useful for determining which value should be reported in a dashboard.
    if stat_id in _stat_types:
        return _stat_types[stat_id]
    elif stat_id.endswith('total_ns'):
        return 'counter'
    elif async_pipeline_bytes_pattern.match(stat_id):
        return 'gauge'
    elif async_pipeline_count_pattern.match(stat_id):
        return 'gauge'
        return None

def _calculate_delta_stat(stat_id, prev, cur):"calculating delta for stat_id = {}, prev = {}. cur = {}".format(stat_id, prev, cur))

    stat_type = _stat_type(stat_id)
    if stat_type == 'counter':
        return cur - prev
    elif stat_type == 'gauge':
        return cur
        return None

def _calculate_delta_stats(prev_stats, cur_stats):
    ret = {}
    for stat_id in cur_stats.keys():
            prev_stat = cur_stats[stat_id]
            cur_stat  = cur_stats[stat_id]

            value = _calculate_delta_stat(stat_id, prev_stat, cur_stat)
            if value is not None:
                ret[stat_id] = value

        except KeyError:
            # Stat likely was not present yet in prev_stats

    return ret

def calculate_delta(prev, cur):
    Calculates the 'delta' between two successive statistic measurements.
    ret = {}
    for node_id in cur.keys():
        ret[node_id] = _calculate_delta_stats(prev[node_id]['cumulative'],

    return ret

def _get_stat(dconn, k):
    # Ugly, but works: try to retrieve as integer, if not an int, retrieve as
    # blob
        return dconn.integer(k).get()
    except quasardb.quasardb.Error:
        blob = dconn.blob(k).get()
        return blob.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

def _by_uid(stats):
    xs = {}
    for k, v in stats.items():
        matches = user_pattern.match(k)
        if is_user_stat(k) and matches:
            (metric, uid_str) = matches.groups()
            uid = int(uid_str)
            if uid not in xs:
                xs[uid] = {}

            if not metric.startswith('serialized'):
                xs[uid][metric] = v

    return xs

def _cumulative(stats):
    xs = {}

    for k, v in stats.items():
        matches = total_pattern.match(k)
        if is_cumulative_stat(k) and matches:
            metric = matches.groups()[0]
            if not metric.startswith('serialized'):
                xs[metric] = v

    return xs


def by_node(conn)

Returns statistic grouped by node URI.

Parameters: conn: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster

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def by_node(conn):
    Returns statistic grouped by node URI.

    conn: quasardb.Cluster
      Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
    return {x: of_node(conn, x) for x in conn.endpoints()}
def calculate_delta(prev, cur)

Calculates the 'delta' between two successive statistic measurements.

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def calculate_delta(prev, cur):
    Calculates the 'delta' between two successive statistic measurements.
    ret = {}
    for node_id in cur.keys():
        ret[node_id] = _calculate_delta_stats(prev[node_id]['cumulative'],

    return ret
def is_cumulative_stat(s)
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def is_cumulative_stat(s):
    # NOTE(leon): It's quite difficult to express in Python that you don't want any
    # regex to _end_ with uid_[0-9]+, because Python's regex engine doesn't support
    # variable width look-behind.
    # An alternative would be to use the PyPi regex library (for POSIX regexes), but
    # want to stay light on dependencies#
    # As such, we define a 'cumulative' stat as anything that's not a user stat.
    # Simple but effective.
    return user_pattern.match(s) is None
def is_user_stat(s)
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def is_user_stat(s):
    return user_pattern.match(s) is not None
def of_node(conn, uri)

Returns statistic for a single node.

Parameters: conn: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster

uri: str URI of a node in the cluster, e.g. ''.

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def of_node(conn, uri):
    Returns statistic for a single node.

    conn: quasardb.Cluster
      Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster

    uri: str
      URI of a node in the cluster, e.g. ''.

    start =

    dconn = conn.node(uri)
    raw = {
        k: _get_stat(dconn,k) for k in dconn.prefix_get(stats_prefix, 1000)}

    ret = {'by_uid': _by_uid(raw),
           'cumulative': _cumulative(raw)}

    check_duration = - start

    ret['cumulative'][''] = 1
    ret['cumulative']['check.duration_ms'] = int(check_duration.total_seconds() * 1000)

    return ret