Module quasardb.pandas
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# pylint: disable=C0103,C0111,C0302,R0903
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021, quasardb SAS. All rights reserved.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of quasardb nor the names of its contributors may
# be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
# without specific prior written permission.
import quasardb
import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
logger = logging.getLogger('quasardb.pandas')
class PandasRequired(ImportError):
Exception raised when trying to use QuasarDB pandas integration, but
pandas has not been installed.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.api import DataFrame, Series
from pandas.core.base import PandasObject
except ImportError:
raise PandasRequired(
"The pandas library is required to handle pandas data formats")
# Constant mapping of numpy dtype to QuasarDB column type
# TODO(leon): support this natively in qdb C api ? we have everything we need
# to understand dtypes.
_dtype_map = {
np.dtype('int64'): quasardb.ColumnType.Int64,
np.dtype('int32'): quasardb.ColumnType.Int64,
np.dtype('float64'): quasardb.ColumnType.Double,
np.dtype('object'): quasardb.ColumnType.String,
np.dtype('M8[ns]'): quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp,
np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'): quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp,
'int64': quasardb.ColumnType.Int64,
'int32': quasardb.ColumnType.Int64,
'float32': quasardb.ColumnType.Double,
'float64': quasardb.ColumnType.Double,
'timestamp': quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp,
'string': quasardb.ColumnType.String,
'bytes': quasardb.ColumnType.Blob,
'floating': quasardb.ColumnType.Double,
'integer': quasardb.ColumnType.Int64,
'bytes': quasardb.ColumnType.Blob,
'string': quasardb.ColumnType.String,
'datetime64': quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp
# Based on QuasarDB column types, which dtype do we want?
_dtypes_map_flip = {
quasardb.ColumnType.String: np.dtype('unicode'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: np.dtype('int64'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: np.dtype('float64'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: np.dtype('object'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]')
def read_series(table, col_name, ranges=None):
Read a Pandas Timeseries from a single column.
table : quasardb.Timeseries
QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
col_name : str
Name of the column to read.
ranges : list
A list of ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects.
read_with = {
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: table.double_get_ranges,
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: table.blob_get_ranges,
quasardb.ColumnType.String: table.string_get_ranges,
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: table.int64_get_ranges,
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: table.timestamp_get_ranges,
kwargs = {
'column': col_name
if ranges is not None:
kwargs['ranges'] = ranges
# Dispatch based on column type
t = table.column_type_by_id(col_name)
"reading Series from column %s.%s with type %s",
res = (read_with[t])(**kwargs)
return Series(res[1], index=res[0])
def write_series(series, table, col_name):
Writes a Pandas Timeseries to a single column.
series : pandas.Series
Pandas Series, with a numpy.datetime64[ns] as index. Underlying data will be attempted
to be transformed to appropriate QuasarDB type.
table : quasardb.Timeseries
QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
col_name : str
Column name to store data in.
write_with = {
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: table.double_insert,
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: table.blob_insert,
quasardb.ColumnType.String: table.string_insert,
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: table.int64_insert,
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: table.timestamp_insert
t = table.column_type_by_id(col_name)
xs = series.to_numpy(_dtypes_map_flip[t])
"writing Series to column %s.%s with type %s",
(write_with[t])(col_name, series.index.to_numpy(), xs)
def query(cluster, query, blobs=False):
Execute a query and return the results as DataFrames. Returns a dict of
tablename / DataFrame pairs.
cluster : quasardb.Cluster
Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
query : str
The query to execute.
blobs : bool or list
Determines which QuasarDB blob-columns should be returned as bytearrays; otherwise
they are returned as UTF-8 strings.
True means every blob column should be returned as byte-array, or a list will
specify which specific columns. Defaults to false, meaning all blobs are returned
as strings.
logger.debug("querying and returning as DataFrame: %s", query)
return DataFrame(cluster.query(query, blobs=blobs))
def read_dataframe(table, row_index=False, columns=None, ranges=None):
Read a Pandas Dataframe from a QuasarDB Timeseries table.
table : quasardb.Timeseries
QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
columns : optional list
List of columns to read in dataframe. The timestamp column '$timestamp' is
always read.
Defaults to all columns.
row_index: boolean
Whether or not to index by rows rather than timestamps. Set to true if your
dataset may contains null values and multiple rows may use the same timestamps.
Note: using row_index is significantly slower.
Defaults to false.
ranges: optional list
A list of time ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects.
Defaults to the entire table.
if columns is None:
columns = list( for c in table.list_columns())
if not row_index:
logger.debug("reading DataFrame from %d series", len(columns))
xs = dict((c, (read_series(table, c, ranges))) for c in columns)
return DataFrame(data=xs)
kwargs = {
'columns': columns
if ranges:
kwargs['ranges'] = ranges
logger.debug("reading DataFrame from bulk reader")
reader = table.reader(**kwargs)
xs = []
for row in reader:
columns.insert(0, '$timestamp')
"read %d rows, returning as DataFrame with %d columns",
return DataFrame(data=xs, columns=columns)
def string_to_timestamp(x):
return np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(float(x))), 'ns')
def fnil(f, x):
"Utility function, only apply f to x if x is not nillable"
if pd.isnull(x):
return None
if x == b'nan' or x == 'nan':
return None
return f(x)
_infer_with = {
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: {
'floating': np.int64,
'integer': np.int64,
'string': lambda x: np.float64(x).astype(np.int64),
'bytes': lambda x: np.float64(x.decode("utf-8")).astype(np.int64),
'datetime64': lambda x: np.int64(x.nanosecond),
'datetime': lambda x: np.int64(x.timestamp() * 1000000000),
'_': lambda x: np.float64(x).astype(np.int64)
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: {
'floating': lambda x: x,
'integer': np.float64,
'string': np.float64,
'bytes': lambda x: np.float64(x.decode("utf-8")),
'datetime64': lambda x: np.float64(x.nanosecond),
'_': np.float64
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: {
'floating': lambda x: str(x).encode("utf-8"),
'integer': lambda x: str(x).encode("utf-8"),
'string': lambda x: str(x).encode("utf-8"),
'bytes': lambda x: x,
'_': lambda x: str(x).encode("utf-8"),
quasardb.ColumnType.String: {
'floating': str,
'integer': str,
'string': str,
'bytes': lambda x: x.decode("utf-8"),
'_': str
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: {
'floating': lambda x: np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x), 'ns'),
'integer': lambda x: np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x), 'ns'),
'string': string_to_timestamp,
'bytes': lambda x: string_to_timestamp(x.decode("utf-8")),
'datetime64': lambda x: np.datetime64(x, 'ns'),
'_': lambda x: np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.float64(x)), 'ns')
# Update all function pointers to wrap them in _fnil, so that we don't
# accidentally convert e.g. None into string 'None'
for ct in _infer_with:
for dt in _infer_with[ct]:
f = _infer_with[ct][dt]
_infer_with[ct][dt] = partial(fnil, f)
def write_dataframe(
Store a dataframe into a table.
df: pandas.DataFrame
The pandas dataframe to store.
cluster: quasardb.Cluster
Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
table: quasardb.Timeseries or str
Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object.
For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values.
create: optional bool
Whether to create the table. Defaults to false.
infer_types: optional bool
If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if
the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers
will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it.
Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions,
we recommend setting this to False.
truncate: optional bool
Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate
from the time range inside the dataframe.
Defaults to False.
_async: optional bool
If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and
acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from
multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance.
Defaults to False.
fast: optional bool
Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table,
you may see better performance if you set this to True.
Defaults to False.
# Acquire reference to table if string is provided
if isinstance(table, str):
table = cluster.table(table)
if create:
_create_table_from_df(df, table)
# Create batch column info from dataframe
col_info = list(quasardb.BatchColumnInfo(
table.get_name(), c, df.shape[0]) for c in df.columns)
batch = cluster.inserter(col_info)
write_with = {
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: batch.set_double,
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: batch.set_blob,
quasardb.ColumnType.String: batch.set_string,
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: batch.set_int64,
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: lambda i,
x: batch.set_timestamp(
# We derive our column types from our table.
ctypes = dict()
for c in table.list_columns():
ctypes[] = c.type
# Performance improvement: avoid a expensive dict lookups by indexing
# the column types by relative offset within the df.
ctypes_indexed = list(ctypes[c] for c in df.columns)
dtypes = dict()
dtypes_indexed = list()
if infer_types is True:
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
c = df.columns[i]
dt = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(df[c].values)
logger.debug("Determined dtype of column %s to be %s", c, dt)
dtypes[c] = dt
# Performance improvement: avoid a expensive dict lookups by indexing
# the column types by relative offset within the df.
dtypes_indexed = list(dtypes[c] for c in df.columns)
# TODO(leon): use pinned columns so we can write entire numpy arrays
for row in df.itertuples(index=True):
if pd.isnull(row[0]):
raise RuntimeError(
"Index must be a valid timestamp, found: " + str(row[0]))
batch.start_row(np.datetime64(row[0], 'ns'))
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
v = row[i + 1]
ct = ctypes_indexed[i]
if infer_types is True:
dt = dtypes_indexed[i]
fn = _infer_with[ct][dt]
except KeyError:
# Fallback default
fn = _infer_with[ct]['_']
v = fn(v)
if not pd.isnull(v) and not pd.isna(v):
fn = write_with[ct]
fn(i, v)
except TypeError:
"An error occured while setting column value: %s = %s", df.columns[i], v)
except ValueError:
"An error occured while setting column value: %s = %s", df.columns[i], v)
start = time.time()
"push chunk of %d rows, fast?=%s, async?=%s", len(
df.index), fast, _async)
if fast is True:
elif truncate is True:
elif isinstance(truncate, tuple):
elif _async is True:
"pushed %d rows in %s seconds", len(
df.index), (time.time() - start))
def write_pinned_dataframe(
Store a dataframe into a table with the pin column API.
df: pandas.DataFrame
The pandas dataframe to store.
cluster: quasardb.Cluster
Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
table: quasardb.Timeseries or str
Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object.
For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values.
create: optional bool
Whether to create the table. Defaults to false.
infer_types: optional bool
If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if
the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers
will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it.
Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions,
we recommend setting this to False.
truncate: optional bool
Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate
from the time range inside the dataframe.
Defaults to False.
_async: optional bool
If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and
acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from
multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance.
Defaults to False.
fast: optional bool
Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table,
you may see better performance if you set this to True.
Defaults to False.
# Acquire reference to table if string is provided
if isinstance(table, str):
table = cluster.table(table)
if create:
_create_table_from_df(df, table)
# Create batch column info from dataframe
writer = cluster.pinned_writer([table])
write_with = {
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: writer.set_double_column,
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: writer.set_blob_column,
quasardb.ColumnType.String: writer.set_string_column,
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: writer.set_int64_column,
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: writer.set_timestamp_column,
pin_dtypes_map_flip = {
quasardb.ColumnType.String: np.dtype('unicode'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: np.dtype('int64'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Double: np.dtype('float64'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: np.dtype('object'),
quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]')
# We derive our column types from our table.
batch_columns = writer.batch_column_infos()
column_types = writer.column_types()
table_name = table.get_name()
# Reorder & introduce new columns
cnames = []
ctypes = []
for i in range(len(batch_columns)):
bc = batch_columns[i]
# Introduce new column
found = False
for c in df.columns:
if table_name == bc.timeseries and c == bc.column:
found = True
if found == False:
df.insert(i, bc.column, None)
# Reorder columns
df = df[cnames]
dtypes = _get_inferred_dtypes_indexed(df) if infer_types is True else list()
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
ct = ctypes[i]
tmp = df.iloc[:, i]
timestamps = tmp.index.astype(np.dtype('int64')).tolist()
values = []
if infer_types is True:
dt = dtypes[i]
fn = None
fn = _infer_with[ct][dt]
except KeyError:
# Fallback default
fn = _infer_with[ct]['_']
none_value = None
values = tmp.apply(lambda v: fn(v) if not pd.isnull(v) and not pd.isna(v) else none_value).tolist()
dt = pin_dtypes_map_flip[ct]
if (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.Int64):
# you need to fill with 0x8000000000000000 (which is quasardb value for null)
# astype(np.dtype('int64')) cannot convert None to int64
values = tmp.fillna(0x8000000000000000).astype(dt).tolist()
elif (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.Blob):
values = tmp.fillna(b'').astype(dt).tolist()
elif (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.String):
values = tmp.fillna('').astype(dt).tolist()
values = tmp.astype(dt).tolist()
write_with[ct](i, timestamps, values)
start = time.time()
logger.debug("push chunk of %d rows, fast?=%s, async?=%s",
len(df.index), fast, _async)
if fast is True:
elif truncate is True:
elif isinstance(truncate, tuple):
elif _async is True:
"pushed %d rows in %s seconds", len(
df.index), (time.time() - start))
return table
def _create_table_from_df(df, table):
cols = list()
dtypes = _get_inferred_dtypes(df)
for c in df.columns:
dt = dtypes[c]
ct = _dtype_to_column_type(df[c].dtype, dt)
logger.debug("probed pandas dtype %s to inferred dtype %s and map to quasardb column type %s", df[c].dtype, dt, ct)
cols.append(quasardb.ColumnInfo(ct, c))
except quasardb.quasardb.AliasAlreadyExistsError:
# TODO(leon): warn? how?
return table
def _dtype_to_column_type(dt, inferred):
res = _dtype_map.get(inferred, None)
if res is None:
res = _dtype_map.get(dt, None)
if res is None:
raise ValueError("Incompatible data type: ", dt)
return res
def _get_inferred_dtypes(df):
dtypes = dict()
for i in range(len(df.columns)):
c = df.columns[i]
dt = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(df[c].values)
logger.debug("Determined dtype of column %s to be %s", c, dt)
dtypes[c] = dt
return dtypes
def _get_inferred_dtypes_indexed(df):
dtypes = _get_inferred_dtypes(df)
# Performance improvement: avoid a expensive dict lookups by indexing
# the column types by relative offset within the df.
return list(dtypes[c] for c in df.columns)
def f(x)
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'_': lambda x: np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.float64(x)), 'ns')
def fnil(f, x)
Utility function, only apply f to x if x is not nillable
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def fnil(f, x): "Utility function, only apply f to x if x is not nillable" if pd.isnull(x): return None if x == b'nan' or x == 'nan': return None return f(x)
def query(cluster, query, blobs=False)
Execute a query and return the results as DataFrames. Returns a dict of tablename / DataFrame pairs.
Parameters: cluster : quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
query : str The query to execute.
blobs : bool or list Determines which QuasarDB blob-columns should be returned as bytearrays; otherwise they are returned as UTF-8 strings.
True means every blob column should be returned as byte-array, or a list will specify which specific columns. Defaults to false, meaning all blobs are returned as strings.
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def query(cluster, query, blobs=False): """ Execute a query and return the results as DataFrames. Returns a dict of tablename / DataFrame pairs. Parameters: cluster : quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster query : str The query to execute. blobs : bool or list Determines which QuasarDB blob-columns should be returned as bytearrays; otherwise they are returned as UTF-8 strings. True means every blob column should be returned as byte-array, or a list will specify which specific columns. Defaults to false, meaning all blobs are returned as strings. """ logger.debug("querying and returning as DataFrame: %s", query) return DataFrame(cluster.query(query, blobs=blobs))
def read_dataframe(table, row_index=False, columns=None, ranges=None)
Read a Pandas Dataframe from a QuasarDB Timeseries table.
Parameters: table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
columns : optional list List of columns to read in dataframe. The timestamp column '$timestamp' is always read.
Defaults to all columns.
row_index: boolean Whether or not to index by rows rather than timestamps. Set to true if your dataset may contains null values and multiple rows may use the same timestamps. Note: using row_index is significantly slower. Defaults to false.
ranges: optional list A list of time ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects. Defaults to the entire table.
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def read_dataframe(table, row_index=False, columns=None, ranges=None): """ Read a Pandas Dataframe from a QuasarDB Timeseries table. Parameters: table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table') columns : optional list List of columns to read in dataframe. The timestamp column '$timestamp' is always read. Defaults to all columns. row_index: boolean Whether or not to index by rows rather than timestamps. Set to true if your dataset may contains null values and multiple rows may use the same timestamps. Note: using row_index is significantly slower. Defaults to false. ranges: optional list A list of time ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects. Defaults to the entire table. """ if columns is None: columns = list( for c in table.list_columns()) if not row_index: logger.debug("reading DataFrame from %d series", len(columns)) xs = dict((c, (read_series(table, c, ranges))) for c in columns) return DataFrame(data=xs) kwargs = { 'columns': columns } if ranges: kwargs['ranges'] = ranges logger.debug("reading DataFrame from bulk reader") reader = table.reader(**kwargs) xs = [] for row in reader: xs.append(row.copy()) columns.insert(0, '$timestamp') logger.debug( "read %d rows, returning as DataFrame with %d columns", len(xs), len(columns)) return DataFrame(data=xs, columns=columns)
def read_series(table, col_name, ranges=None)
Read a Pandas Timeseries from a single column.
Parameters: table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
col_name : str Name of the column to read.
ranges : list A list of ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects.
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def read_series(table, col_name, ranges=None): """ Read a Pandas Timeseries from a single column. Parameters: table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table') col_name : str Name of the column to read. ranges : list A list of ranges to read, represented as tuples of Numpy datetime64[ns] objects. """ read_with = { quasardb.ColumnType.Double: table.double_get_ranges, quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: table.blob_get_ranges, quasardb.ColumnType.String: table.string_get_ranges, quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: table.int64_get_ranges, quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: table.timestamp_get_ranges, } kwargs = { 'column': col_name } if ranges is not None: kwargs['ranges'] = ranges # Dispatch based on column type t = table.column_type_by_id(col_name) logger.debug( "reading Series from column %s.%s with type %s", table.get_name(), col_name, t) res = (read_with[t])(**kwargs) return Series(res[1], index=res[0])
def string_to_timestamp(x)
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def string_to_timestamp(x): return np.datetime64(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(float(x))), 'ns')
def write_dataframe(df, cluster, table, create=False, fast=False, truncate=False, infer_types=True)
Store a dataframe into a table.
Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame The pandas dataframe to store.
cluster: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster
table: quasardb.Timeseries or str Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object. For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values.
create: optional bool Whether to create the table. Defaults to false.
infer_types: optional bool If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it.
Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions, we recommend setting this to False.
truncate: optional bool Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate from the time range inside the dataframe.
Defaults to False.
_async: optional bool If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance.
Defaults to False.
fast: optional bool Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table, you may see better performance if you set this to True.
Defaults to False.
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def write_dataframe( df, cluster, table, create=False, _async=False, fast=False, truncate=False, infer_types=True): """ Store a dataframe into a table. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame The pandas dataframe to store. cluster: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster table: quasardb.Timeseries or str Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object. For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values. create: optional bool Whether to create the table. Defaults to false. infer_types: optional bool If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it. Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions, we recommend setting this to False. truncate: optional bool Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate from the time range inside the dataframe. Defaults to False. _async: optional bool If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance. Defaults to False. fast: optional bool Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table, you may see better performance if you set this to True. Defaults to False. """ # Acquire reference to table if string is provided if isinstance(table, str): table = cluster.table(table) if create: _create_table_from_df(df, table) # Create batch column info from dataframe col_info = list(quasardb.BatchColumnInfo( table.get_name(), c, df.shape[0]) for c in df.columns) batch = cluster.inserter(col_info) write_with = { quasardb.ColumnType.Double: batch.set_double, quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: batch.set_blob, quasardb.ColumnType.String: batch.set_string, quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: batch.set_int64, quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: lambda i, x: batch.set_timestamp( i, np.datetime64( x, 'ns'))} # We derive our column types from our table. ctypes = dict() for c in table.list_columns(): ctypes[] = c.type # Performance improvement: avoid a expensive dict lookups by indexing # the column types by relative offset within the df. ctypes_indexed = list(ctypes[c] for c in df.columns) dtypes = dict() dtypes_indexed = list() if infer_types is True: for i in range(len(df.columns)): c = df.columns[i] dt = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(df[c].values) logger.debug("Determined dtype of column %s to be %s", c, dt) dtypes[c] = dt # Performance improvement: avoid a expensive dict lookups by indexing # the column types by relative offset within the df. dtypes_indexed = list(dtypes[c] for c in df.columns) # TODO(leon): use pinned columns so we can write entire numpy arrays for row in df.itertuples(index=True): if pd.isnull(row[0]): raise RuntimeError( "Index must be a valid timestamp, found: " + str(row[0])) batch.start_row(np.datetime64(row[0], 'ns')) for i in range(len(df.columns)): v = row[i + 1] ct = ctypes_indexed[i] if infer_types is True: dt = dtypes_indexed[i] try: fn = _infer_with[ct][dt] except KeyError: # Fallback default fn = _infer_with[ct]['_'] v = fn(v) if not pd.isnull(v) and not pd.isna(v): fn = write_with[ct] try: fn(i, v) except TypeError: logger.exception( "An error occured while setting column value: %s = %s", df.columns[i], v) raise except ValueError: logger.exception( "An error occured while setting column value: %s = %s", df.columns[i], v) raise start = time.time() logger.debug( "push chunk of %d rows, fast?=%s, async?=%s", len( df.index), fast, _async) if fast is True: batch.push_fast() elif truncate is True: batch.push_truncate() elif isinstance(truncate, tuple): batch.push_truncate(range=truncate) elif _async is True: batch.push_async() else: batch.push() logger.debug( "pushed %d rows in %s seconds", len( df.index), (time.time() - start))
def write_pinned_dataframe(df, cluster, table, create=False, fast=False, truncate=False, infer_types=True)
Store a dataframe into a table with the pin column API. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame The pandas dataframe to store. cluster: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster table: quasardb.Timeseries or str Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object. For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values. create: optional bool Whether to create the table. Defaults to false. infer_types: optional bool If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it. Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions, we recommend setting this to False. truncate: optional bool Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate from the time range inside the dataframe. Defaults to False. _async: optional bool If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance. Defaults to False. fast: optional bool Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table, you may see better performance if you set this to True. Defaults to False.
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def write_pinned_dataframe( df, cluster, table, create=False, _async=False, fast=False, truncate=False, infer_types=True): """ Store a dataframe into a table with the pin column API. Parameters: df: pandas.DataFrame The pandas dataframe to store. cluster: quasardb.Cluster Active connection to the QuasarDB cluster table: quasardb.Timeseries or str Either a string or a reference to a QuasarDB Timeseries table object. For example, 'my_table' or cluster.table('my_table') are both valid values. create: optional bool Whether to create the table. Defaults to false. infer_types: optional bool If true, will attemp to convert types from Python to QuasarDB natives types if the provided dataframe has incompatible types. For example, a dataframe with integers will automatically convert these to doubles if the QuasarDB table expects it. Defaults to True. For production use cases where you want to avoid implicit conversions, we recommend setting this to False. truncate: optional bool Truncate (also referred to as upsert) the data in-place. Will detect time range to truncate from the time range inside the dataframe. Defaults to False. _async: optional bool If true, uses asynchronous insertion API where commits are buffered server-side and acknowledged before they are written to disk. If you insert to the same table from multiple processes, setting this to True may improve performance. Defaults to False. fast: optional bool Whether to use 'fast push'. If you incrementally add small batches of data to table, you may see better performance if you set this to True. Defaults to False. """ # Acquire reference to table if string is provided if isinstance(table, str): table = cluster.table(table) if create: _create_table_from_df(df, table) # Create batch column info from dataframe writer = cluster.pinned_writer([table]) write_with = { quasardb.ColumnType.Double: writer.set_double_column, quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: writer.set_blob_column, quasardb.ColumnType.String: writer.set_string_column, quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: writer.set_int64_column, quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: writer.set_timestamp_column, } pin_dtypes_map_flip = { quasardb.ColumnType.String: np.dtype('unicode'), quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: np.dtype('int64'), quasardb.ColumnType.Double: np.dtype('float64'), quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: np.dtype('object'), quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: np.dtype('datetime64[ns]') } # We derive our column types from our table. batch_columns = writer.batch_column_infos() column_types = writer.column_types() table_name = table.get_name() # Reorder & introduce new columns # cnames = [] ctypes = [] for i in range(len(batch_columns)): bc = batch_columns[i] cnames.append(bc.column) ctypes.append(column_types[i]) # Introduce new column found = False for c in df.columns: if table_name == bc.timeseries and c == bc.column: found = True if found == False: df.insert(i, bc.column, None) # Reorder columns df = df[cnames] dtypes = _get_inferred_dtypes_indexed(df) if infer_types is True else list() for i in range(len(df.columns)): ct = ctypes[i] tmp = df.iloc[:, i] timestamps = tmp.index.astype(np.dtype('int64')).tolist() values = [] if infer_types is True: dt = dtypes[i] fn = None try: fn = _infer_with[ct][dt] except KeyError: # Fallback default fn = _infer_with[ct]['_'] none_value = None values = tmp.apply(lambda v: fn(v) if not pd.isnull(v) and not pd.isna(v) else none_value).tolist() else: dt = pin_dtypes_map_flip[ct] if (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.Int64): # you need to fill with 0x8000000000000000 (which is quasardb value for null) # astype(np.dtype('int64')) cannot convert None to int64 values = tmp.fillna(0x8000000000000000).astype(dt).tolist() elif (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.Blob): values = tmp.fillna(b'').astype(dt).tolist() elif (ct == quasardb.ColumnType.String): values = tmp.fillna('').astype(dt).tolist() else: values = tmp.astype(dt).tolist() write_with[ct](i, timestamps, values) start = time.time() logger.debug("push chunk of %d rows, fast?=%s, async?=%s", len(df.index), fast, _async) if fast is True: writer.push_fast() elif truncate is True: writer.push_truncate() elif isinstance(truncate, tuple): writer.push_truncate(range=truncate) elif _async is True: writer.push_async() else: writer.push() logger.debug( "pushed %d rows in %s seconds", len( df.index), (time.time() - start)) return table
def write_series(series, table, col_name)
Writes a Pandas Timeseries to a single column.
Parameters: series : pandas.Series Pandas Series, with a numpy.datetime64[ns] as index. Underlying data will be attempted to be transformed to appropriate QuasarDB type.
table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table')
col_name : str Column name to store data in.
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def write_series(series, table, col_name): """ Writes a Pandas Timeseries to a single column. Parameters: series : pandas.Series Pandas Series, with a numpy.datetime64[ns] as index. Underlying data will be attempted to be transformed to appropriate QuasarDB type. table : quasardb.Timeseries QuasarDB Timeseries table object, e.g. qdb_cluster.table('my_table') col_name : str Column name to store data in. """ write_with = { quasardb.ColumnType.Double: table.double_insert, quasardb.ColumnType.Blob: table.blob_insert, quasardb.ColumnType.String: table.string_insert, quasardb.ColumnType.Int64: table.int64_insert, quasardb.ColumnType.Timestamp: table.timestamp_insert } t = table.column_type_by_id(col_name) xs = series.to_numpy(_dtypes_map_flip[t]) logger.debug( "writing Series to column %s.%s with type %s", table.get_name(), col_name, t) (write_with[t])(col_name, series.index.to_numpy(), xs)
class PandasRequired (...)
Exception raised when trying to use QuasarDB pandas integration, but pandas has not been installed.
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class PandasRequired(ImportError): """ Exception raised when trying to use QuasarDB pandas integration, but pandas has not been installed. """ pass
- builtins.ImportError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException