quasardb C API
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General client functions

Data Structures

struct  qdb_string_t
 A structure representing a character string of the given length. More...
struct  qdb_timespec_t
 A structure representing an elapsed time since epoch (cross-platform equivalent of timespec structure) More...
struct  qdb_remote_node_t
 A structure representing the address of a quasardb node. More...
struct  qdb_id_t
 A cluster-wide unique identifier. More...
struct  qdb_entry_metadata_t
 A structure representing the metadata of an entry in the database. More...


#define qdb_never_expires   ((qdb_time_t)0u)
 An arbitrary time value representing the "no expiration" time value. More...
#define qdb_preserve_expiration   ((qdb_time_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)
 An arbitrary time value representing the "preserve existing expiration" time value. More...


typedef enum qdb_limits_t qdb_limits_t
 An enumeration of API limits.
typedef long long qdb_time_t
 A cross-platform type that represents a time value. More...
typedef size_t qdb_size_t
 An alias for size_t.
typedef int64_t qdb_int_t
 A cross-platform type that represents a signed 64-bit integer.
typedef struct
qdb_handle_internal * 
 An opaque handle to internal API-allocated structures needed for maintaining connection to a cluster.
typedef struct
qdb_direct_handle_internal * 
 An opaque handle to internal API-allocated structures needed for maintaining a direct connection to a cluster.


enum  qdb_limits_t { qdb_l_max_alias_length = 1024, qdb_l_alias_max_length = qdb_l_max_alias_length, qdb_l_max_user_name_length = 120, qdb_max_user_name_length = qdb_l_max_user_name_length }
 An enumeration of API limits. More...
enum  qdb_protocol_t { qdb_p_tcp = 0 }
 An enumeration of allowed network protocols. More...
enum  qdb_entry_type_t {
  qdb_entry_uninitialized = -1, qdb_entry_blob = 0, qdb_entry_integer = 1, qdb_entry_hset = 2,
  qdb_entry_tag = 3, qdb_entry_deque = 4, qdb_entry_stream = 5, qdb_entry_ts = 6
 A enumeration representing possible entries type. More...
enum  qdb_compact_options_t { qdb_compact_full = 0, qdb_compact_piecewise = 1 }
 An enumeration of compact options. More...


QDB_API_LINKAGE const char * qdb_version (void)
 Returns a null-terminated string describing the API version. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE const char * qdb_build (void)
 Returns a null-terminated string describing the exact API build. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_open (qdb_handle_t *handle, qdb_protocol_t proto)
 Creates a qdb_handle_t. No connection will be established. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_handle_t qdb_open_tcp (void)
 Creates a TCP/IP qdb_handle_t. No connection will be established. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_last_error (qdb_handle_t handle, qdb_error_t *error, qdb_string_t *message)
 Describes the last error code returned from the given handle. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_connect (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *uri)
 Binds the client instance to a quasardb cluster and connect to at least one node within. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_close (qdb_handle_t handle)
 Closes the handle previously opened with qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_copy_alloc_buffer (qdb_handle_t handle, const void *source_buffer, qdb_size_t source_buffer_size, const void **dest_buffer)
 Creates a clone of a buffer using API's high-performance memory allocator. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE void qdb_release (qdb_handle_t handle, const void *buffer)
 Releases an API-allocated buffer. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_remove (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias)
 Removes an entry from the cluster, regardless of its type. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_expires_at (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_time_t expiry_time)
 Sets the absolute expiration time of an entry, if the type supports expiration. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_expires_from_now (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_time_t expiry_delta)
 Sets the expiration time of an entry, relative to the current time of the client, if the type supports expiration. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_expiry_time (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_time_t *expiry_time)
 Retrieves the absolute expiration time of the given entry. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_location (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_remote_node_t *location)
 Returns the primary node of an entry. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_type (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_entry_type_t *entry_type)
 Gets the type of an entry, if it exists. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_metadata (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *alias, qdb_entry_metadata_t *entry_metadata)
 Gets the meta-information about an entry, if it exists. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_metadata_by_id (qdb_handle_t handle, const qdb_id_t *reference, qdb_entry_metadata_t *entry_metadata)
 Gets the meta-information about an entry, if it exists. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_purge_all (qdb_handle_t handle, int timeout_ms)
 Removes irremediably all data from all the nodes of the cluster. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_trim_all (qdb_handle_t handle, int timeout_ms)
 Trims all data on all the nodes of the cluster. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_compact (qdb_handle_t handle, qdb_compact_options_t options, int timeout_ms)
 Compacts all data in the persistence layer on all the nodes of the cluster. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_purge_cache (qdb_handle_t handle, int timeout_ms)
 Removes all cached data from all the nodes of the cluster. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_wait_for_stabilization (qdb_handle_t handle, int timeout_ms)
 Wait for all nodes of the cluster to be stabilized. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_endpoints (qdb_handle_t handle, qdb_remote_node_t **endpoints, qdb_size_t *endpoints_count)
 Retrieve a sorted array of endpoints. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_reload_user_config (qdb_handle_t handle)
 Reload user configuration from file. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE const char * qdb_error (qdb_error_t error)
 Translates an error code into an English error message. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_tag_iterator_copy (const qdb_const_tag_iterator_t *original, qdb_const_tag_iterator_t *copy)
 Clones a previously initialized tag iterator. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define qdb_never_expires   ((qdb_time_t)0u)

An arbitrary time value representing the "no expiration" time value.

See Also
#define qdb_preserve_expiration   ((qdb_time_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)

An arbitrary time value representing the "preserve existing expiration" time value.

See Also

Typedef Documentation

A cross-platform type that represents a time value.

See Also
qdb_time_t MUST be 64-bit large. The API will probably not link otherwise.

Enumeration Type Documentation

An enumeration of compact options.

See Also

Compact the entire database in a single operation.


Compact the database one slice at a time (reduces peak disk usage during compaction)

A enumeration representing possible entries type.


Uninitialized value.


Binary large object (blob).


Signed 64-bit integer.


Distributed hash set.




Distributed double-entry queue (deque).


Distributed binary stream.


Distributed time series.

An enumeration of API limits.


The maximum allowed length for aliases.

Please use qdb_l_max_alias_length.

The maximum allowed length of a user name.

Please use qdb_l_max_user_name_length.

An enumeration of allowed network protocols.

See Also

Uses TCP/IP to communicate with the cluster. This is currently the only supported network protocol.

Function Documentation

QDB_API_LINKAGE const char* qdb_build ( void  )

Returns a null-terminated string describing the exact API build.

A static, null-terminated string describing the exact API build. The buffer is API managed and should not be freed or written to by the caller.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_close ( qdb_handle_t  handle)

Closes the handle previously opened with qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.

This results in terminating all connections and releasing all internal buffers, including buffers which may have been allocated as or a result of batch operations or get operations.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
API-allocated buffers may be released by this call. For example, the buffer allocated by qdb_blob_get may be released by this call.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_compact ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
qdb_compact_options_t  options,
int  timeout_ms 

Compacts all data in the persistence layer on all the nodes of the cluster.

This function will request each nodes to compact files on disk. Because this operation is I/O and CPU intensive, it is not recommended to run it when the cluster is heavily used.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
optionsOptions for the compaction operation.
timeout_msA timeout value, in milliseconds.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
This function impacts the performance of the cluster.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_endpoints ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
qdb_remote_node_t **  endpoints,
qdb_size_t endpoints_count 

Retrieve a sorted array of endpoints.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
[out]endpointsA pointer to a qdb_remote_node_t array that will receive the addresses of the nodes of the cluster
[out]endpoints_countA pointer that will be filled with number of nodes in the array
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_cluster_reload_user_config ( qdb_handle_t  handle)

Reload user configuration from file.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_connect ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  uri 

Binds the client instance to a quasardb cluster and connect to at least one node within.

Quasardb URI are in the form qdb://<address>:<port> where <address> is either an IPv4 or IPv6 (surrounded with square brackets), or a domain name. It is recommended to specify multiple addresses should the designated node be unavailable.

URI examples:

  • qdb://myserver.org:2836 - Connects to myserver.org on the port 2836
  • qdb:// - Connects to the local IPv4 loopback on the port 2836
  • qdb://myserver1.org:2836,myserver2.org:2836 - Connects to myserver1.org or myserver2.org on the port 2836
  • qdb://[::1]:2836 - Connects to the local IPv6 loopback on the port 2836
handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
uriA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the URI of the quasardb cluster to connect to.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
qdb_open, qdb_open_tcp
Make sure all the addresses in the URI belong to the same cluster
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_copy_alloc_buffer ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const void *  source_buffer,
qdb_size_t  source_buffer_size,
const void **  dest_buffer 

Creates a clone of a buffer using API's high-performance memory allocator.

The allocated buffer has to be released later with qdb_release.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
source_bufferA pointer to a buffer to clone
source_buffer_sizeThe size of the buffer to clone
[out]dest_bufferA pointer to a a pointer of an API-allocated buffer whose content will be a copy of the source buffer
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE const char* qdb_error ( qdb_error_t  error)

Translates an error code into an English error message.

errorThe qdb_error_t code outputted by another function
A static, null-terminated string describing the error. The buffer is API managed and should not be freed or written to by the caller.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_expires_at ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_time_t  expiry_time 

Sets the absolute expiration time of an entry, if the type supports expiration.

Blobs and integers can have an expiration time and will be automatically removed by the cluster when they expire.

The absolute expiration time is the Unix epoch, that is, the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. To use a relative expiration time (that is expiration relative to the time of the call), use qdb_expires_from_now.

To remove the expiration time of an entry, specify the value qdb_never_expires as expiry_time parameter.

Values in the past are refused, but the cluster will have a certain tolerance to account for clock skews.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
expiry_timeThe new, absolute UTC expiration time.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
It is an error to specify an expiration in the past, although the cluster has a certain tolerance to account for clock synchronization
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_expires_from_now ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_time_t  expiry_delta 

Sets the expiration time of an entry, relative to the current time of the client, if the type supports expiration.

Blobs and integers can have an expiration time and will automatically be removed by the cluster when they expire.

The expiration is relative to the current time of the machine.

To remove the expiration time of an entry or to use an absolute expiration time use qdb_expires_at.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
expiry_deltaThe number of milliseconds, relative to the current time, after which the entry should expire.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_expiry_time ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_time_t expiry_time 

Retrieves the absolute expiration time of the given entry.

The returned expiration time is the Unix epoch, UTC.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
[out]expiry_timeA pointer to an expiry time which will be set to the expiration of the entry if the call is successful.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_last_error ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
qdb_error_t error,
qdb_string_t message 

Describes the last error code returned from the given handle.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
[out]errorAn optional pointer to a qdb_error_t that will be set to the error code of the last API call with the given handle.
[out]messageAn optional pointer to a qdb_string_t that will store a message describing the last API call with the given handle. The buffer is API managed and should not be freed or written to by the caller. It's invalidated by subsequent API calls.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_location ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_remote_node_t location 

Returns the primary node of an entry.

The exact location of an entry should be assumed random and users should not bother about its location as the API will transparently locate the best node for the requested operation.

This function is intended for higher level APIs that need to optimize transfers and potentially push computation close to the data.

This function allocates memory for the null terminated address string call qdb_release on the location structure to release memory.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
[out]locationA pointer to a qdb_remote_node_t structure that will receive the address of the primary node of the entry if successful.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_metadata ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_entry_metadata_t entry_metadata 

Gets the meta-information about an entry, if it exists.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
[out]entry_metadataA pointer to a qdb_entry_metadata_t that will receive the metadata of the entry if successful.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_metadata_by_id ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const qdb_id_t reference,
qdb_entry_metadata_t entry_metadata 

Gets the meta-information about an entry, if it exists.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
referenceA pointer to a structure representing the internal reference of the entry.
[out]entry_metadataA pointer to a qdb_entry_metadata_t that will receive the metadata of the entry if successful.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_get_type ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias,
qdb_entry_type_t entry_type 

Gets the type of an entry, if it exists.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
[out]entry_typeA pointer to a qdb_entry_type_t that will receive the type of the entry if successful.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_open ( qdb_handle_t handle,
qdb_protocol_t  proto 

Creates a qdb_handle_t. No connection will be established.

[out]handleA pointer to a qdb_handle_t that will be ready to connect to a cluster.
protoThe protocol to use.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
qdb_connect, qdb_open_tcp, qdb_protocol_t
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_handle_t qdb_open_tcp ( void  )

Creates a TCP/IP qdb_handle_t. No connection will be established.

An initialized qdb_handle_t, ready to connect, in case of success, NULL in case of failure.
See Also
qdb_connect, qdb_open
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_purge_all ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
int  timeout_ms 

Removes irremediably all data from all the nodes of the cluster.

This function is useful when quasardb is used as a cache and is not the golden source.

This call is not atomic: if the command cannot be dispatched on the whole cluster, it will be dispatched on as many nodes as possible and the function will return with a qdb_e_ok code.

By default cluster does not allow this operation and the function returns a qdb_e_operation_disabled error.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
timeout_msA timeout value, in milliseconds.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
Use this function at your own risk. This function causes irremediable data loss.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_purge_cache ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
int  timeout_ms 

Removes all cached data from all the nodes of the cluster.

This function is disabled on a transient cluster. Prefer purge_all in this case.

This call is not atomic: if the command cannot be dispatched on the whole cluster, it will be dispatched on as many nodes as possible and the function will return with a qdb_e_ok code.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
timeout_msA timeout value, in milliseconds.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE void qdb_release ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const void *  buffer 

Releases an API-allocated buffer.

Failure to properly call this function may result in excessive memory usage. Most operations that return a content (e.g. batch operations, qdb_blob_get, qdb_blob_get_and_update, qdb_blob_compare_and_swap...) will allocate a buffer for the content and will not release the allocated buffer until you either call this function or close the handle.

The function will be able to release any kind of buffer allocated by a quasardb API call, whether it's a single buffer, an array or an array of buffers.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
bufferA pointer to an API-allocated buffer to release. The behavior for non API buffers is undefined.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_remove ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  alias 

Removes an entry from the cluster, regardless of its type.

This call will remove the entry, whether it is a blob, integer, deque, or hset. It will properly untag the entry. If the entry spawns on multiple entries or nodes (deques and hsets), all blocks will be properly removed.

The call is ACID, regardless of the type of the entry and a transaction will be created if need be.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
aliasA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the alias of the entry.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_tag_iterator_copy ( const qdb_const_tag_iterator_t original,
qdb_const_tag_iterator_t copy 

Clones a previously initialized tag iterator.

Copies the state of the original iterator to a new iterator. Both iterators can be independently operated afterwards. The cloned iterator will have to be closed with qdb_tag_iterator_close.

originalThe original iterator to copy, source.
[out]copyAn uninitialized iterator to be set, destination.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
qdb_tag_iterator_begin, qdb_tag_iterator_close
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_trim_all ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
int  timeout_ms 

Trims all data on all the nodes of the cluster.

quasardb uses Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) as a foundation of its transaction engine. It will automatically clean up old versions as entries are accessed.

This call is not atomic: if the command cannot be dispatched on the whole cluster, it will be dispatched on as many nodes as possible and the function will return with a qdb_e_ok code.

Entries that are not accessed may not be cleaned up, resulting in increasing disk usage.

This function will request each node to trim all entries and release unused memory. Because this operation is I/O and CPU intensive, it is not recommended to run it when the cluster is heavily used.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
timeout_msA timeout value, in milliseconds.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
This function impacts the performance of the cluster.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE const char* qdb_version ( void  )

Returns a null-terminated string describing the API version.

A static, null-terminated string describing the API version. The buffer is API managed and should not be freed or written to by the caller.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_wait_for_stabilization ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
int  timeout_ms 

Wait for all nodes of the cluster to be stabilized.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
timeout_msA timeout value, in milliseconds.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.