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Data Fields
qdb_exp_batch_push_table_schema_t Struct Reference

Schema of a table sent to the server in a batch. Indexed by the table and column names given in qdb_exp_batch_push_table_t. More...

#include <ts.h>

Data Fields

qdb_duration_t shard_size
 The table shard size.

Detailed Description

Schema of a table sent to the server in a batch. Indexed by the table and column names given in qdb_exp_batch_push_table_t.

Field Documentation

const qdb_exp_batch_push_column_schema_t* qdb_exp_batch_push_table_schema_t::columns

The table columns. The column count is given by the associated qdb_exp_batch_push_table_t, at data.column_count.

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