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Getting Started

Welcome the Quasardb API for .NET.

Connecting to the database

Interfacing with a quasardb database from a .NET program is extremely straightforward, just create a QdbCluster and perform the operations.

var cluster = new QdbCluster("qdb://");

OK, now that we have a connection to the database, let's store some binary data:

byte[] a, b, c;

QdbBlob myBlob = cluster.Blob("Bob the blob");

c = myBlob.Get();

quasardb comes out of the box with server-side atomic integers:

long a, b, c;

QdbInteger myInt = cluster.Integer("Roger the integer");

c = myInt.Add(b);

Here's how you can easily find your data, using tags:

cluster.Blob("Bob the blob").AttachTag("Male");
cluster.Integer("Roger the integer").AttachTag("Male");

IEnumerable<QdbEntry> males = cluster.Tag("Male").GetEntries();
Search by prefix or suffix

And here, you can find your data searching by prefix or suffix:

cluster.Blob("Hey! Bob the blob. Bye.");
cluster.Integer("Hey! Roger the integer. Bye.");

IEnumerable<QdbEntry> heys = cluster.Entries(new QdbPrefixSelector("Hey!", 10));
IEnumerable<QdbEntry> byes = cluster.Entries(new QdbSuffixSelector("Bye.", 10));

Instead of getting the entries as the result, one can ask only for a collection of strings using Keys() method instead of Entries().

cluster.Blob("Hey! Bob the blob. Bye.");
cluster.Integer("Hey! Roger the integer. Bye.");

IEnumerable<String> heys = cluster.Keys(new QdbPrefixSelector("Hey!", 10));
IEnumerable<String> byes = cluster.Keys(new QdbSuffixSelector("Bye.", 10));
See Also