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Query related functions

Data Structures

struct  qdb_point_result_t
 A variadic structure holding the result type as well as the result value. More...
struct  qdb_query_result_t
 Holds the result of a query. More...
struct  qdb_query_experimental_column_t
 Holds a column of an experimental query. More...
struct  qdb_query_experimental_result_t
 Holds the result of an experimental query. More...
struct  qdb_query_arrow_column_t
 Holds a column of a query result in Arrow format. More...
struct  qdb_query_arrow_result_t
 Holds the result of a query in Arrow format. More...


typedef enum
 The type of a result.
typedef enum
 The continuous query mode.
typedef struct
qdb_dedup_handle_internal * 
 An opaque handle to internal API-allocated structures needed for deduplicating query results.
typedef struct
qdb_query_cont_internal * 
 An opaque handle to internal API-allocated structures needed for managing a continuous query.
typedef int(* qdb_query_cont_callback_t )(void *, qdb_error_t, const qdb_query_result_t *)
 A callback used by qdb_query_continuous. The first parameter of the callback will receive the context given when calling qdb_query_continuous The second parameter is the error result of the operation The third parameter are the new results for the query since the callback has been last called. More...


enum  qdb_query_result_value_type_t
 The type of a result.
enum  qdb_query_continuous_mode_type_t
 The continuous query mode.


QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_find (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *query, const char ***aliases, size_t *alias_count)
 Retrieves all entries' aliases that match the specified find query. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *query, qdb_query_result_t **result)
 Run the provided query and creates a table directory with the results. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_experimental (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *query, qdb_query_experimental_result_t **result)
 Run the provided query to return a table. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_to_arrow (qdb_handle_t handle, const qdb_query_result_t *result, qdb_query_arrow_result_t **result_copy)
 Copies a query result to the Arrow format. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_experimental_to_arrow (qdb_handle_t handle, const qdb_query_experimental_result_t *result, qdb_query_arrow_result_t **result_copy)
 Copies a query result to the Arrow format. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_init_query_dedup (qdb_handle_t handle, qdb_dedup_handle_t *dedup_handle)
 Creates a qdb_dedup_handle_t. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_dedup (qdb_dedup_handle_t dedup_handle, const qdb_query_result_t *result, qdb_query_result_t **dedup_result)
 Deduplicates query results. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_dedup_prune (qdb_dedup_handle_t dedup_handle, const qdb_ts_range_t *range)
 Removes previously seen rows from the given deduplication handler. More...
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_continuous (qdb_handle_t handle, const char *query, qdb_query_continuous_mode_type_t mode, qdb_query_cont_callback_t cb, void *cb_context, qdb_query_cont_handle_t *cont_handle)
 Continuously and efficiently query the server with the given query. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation


A callback used by qdb_query_continuous. The first parameter of the callback will receive the context given when calling qdb_query_continuous The second parameter is the error result of the operation The third parameter are the new results for the query since the callback has been last called.

See Also

Function Documentation

QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_init_query_dedup ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
qdb_dedup_handle_t dedup_handle 

Creates a qdb_dedup_handle_t.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
[out]dedup_handleA pointer to a qdb_dedup_handle_t that will be ready for deduplicating query results. It must be released later with qdb_release.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  query,
qdb_query_result_t **  result 

Run the provided query and creates a table directory with the results.

For the complete grammar, please refer to the documentation.

Queries are transactional.

The complexity of this function is dependent on the complexity of the query.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
queryA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the query to perform.
[out]resultA pointer to a pointer of qdb_query_result_t that will receive the results. It must be released later with qdb_release.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
qdb_release, qdb_option_set_client_max_parallelism
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_continuous ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  query,
qdb_query_continuous_mode_type_t  mode,
qdb_query_cont_callback_t  cb,
void *  cb_context,
qdb_query_cont_handle_t cont_handle 

Continuously and efficiently query the server with the given query.

A continuous query receives results in a callback asynchronously as they are available on the server. This API uses push notifications from the server to minimize data exchange and resource usage.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
queryA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the query to perform. Any valid QuasarDB query is supported.
modeThe mode of the query. Full will return all values at every call whereas new values will only deliver updates values.
cbA pointer to a function that will be called when new data is available
cb_contextAn opaque pointer to any client managed structure to pass to the callback. May be null if no context is needed.
[out]cont_handleA handle to the continuous query handle. Updates to the query will be received until qdb_release is called on this handle.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_dedup ( qdb_dedup_handle_t  dedup_handle,
const qdb_query_result_t result,
qdb_query_result_t **  dedup_result 

Deduplicates query results.

Rows already seen by previous calls to qdb_query_dedup for the given deduplication handler will not be included in the deduplicated results.

dedup_handleA valid deduplication handle previously initialized by qdb_init_query_dedup.
resultA pointer to a qdb_query_result_t that holds the results from a previous call to qdb_query. Results given to a deduplication filter must all come from the same query, but different ranges or where clauses are allowed.
[out]dedup_resultA pointer to a pointer of qdb_query_result_t that will receive the deduplicated results. It must be released later with qdb_release.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_dedup_prune ( qdb_dedup_handle_t  dedup_handle,
const qdb_ts_range_t range 

Removes previously seen rows from the given deduplication handler.

dedup_handleA valid deduplication handle previously initialized by qdb_init_query_dedup. If the $timestamp special column hasn't been selected all rows are removed.
rangeA pointer to a qdb_ts_range_t (interval) for which rows should be removed.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_experimental ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  query,
qdb_query_experimental_result_t **  result 

Run the provided query to return a table.

Currently only supports querying some columns of a timeseries.

Queries are transactional.

The complexity of this function is dependent on the complexity of the query.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
queryA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the query to perform.
[out]resultA pointer to a pointer of qdb_query_result_t that will receive the results. It must be released later with qdb_release.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
This function is still under development. Performance and compatibility are not guaranteed.
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_experimental_to_arrow ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const qdb_query_experimental_result_t result,
qdb_query_arrow_result_t **  result_copy 

Copies a query result to the Arrow format.

The allocated results have to be released later with qdb_release.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
resultA pointer to a query result to clone
[out]result_copyA pointer to a a pointer that will receive API-allocated results whose content will be a copy of the source results
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_find ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const char *  query,
const char ***  aliases,
size_t *  alias_count 

Retrieves all entries' aliases that match the specified find query.

For the complete grammar, please refer to the documentation.

Queries are transactional.

The complexity of this function is dependent on the complexity of the query.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
queryA pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string representing the query to perform.
[out]aliasesA pointer to an array of null-terminated UTF-8 string that will list the aliases of the entries matching the query.
[out]alias_countA pointer to an integer that will receive the number of returned aliases.
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also
QDB_API_LINKAGE qdb_error_t qdb_query_to_arrow ( qdb_handle_t  handle,
const qdb_query_result_t result,
qdb_query_arrow_result_t **  result_copy 

Copies a query result to the Arrow format.

The allocated results have to be released later with qdb_release.

handleA valid handle previously initialized by qdb_open or qdb_open_tcp.
resultA pointer to a query result to clone
[out]result_copyA pointer to a a pointer that will receive API-allocated results whose content will be a copy of the source results
A qdb_error_t code indicating success or failure.
See Also