4. Alter table

4.1. Synopsis

 ALTER TABLE { <entries> | <find_expression> } [, ... ] ADD
   { <column_name> <data_type> }
   [, ... ]

 ALTER TABLE { <entries> | <find_expression> } [, ... ] RENAME
   { <current_column_name> TO <new_column_name> }
   [, ... ]

find_expression ::=
  FIND ( { <tag_expression> | NOT <tag_expression> } [ AND ... ] )

tag_expression ::=
  TAG = 'tag_name'

4.2. Description

ALTER TABLE will modify one or more tables in a QuasarDB cluster by adding or renaming columns with the specified schema. The statement is transactional.

4.3. Parameters


The name of the table to be modified. Can be alphanumeric, but is not allowed to start with a number.


When your tables are tagged, you can use inline key/value lookups to perform your query over multiple tables. To match all tables that have the tag “stocks”, you can use FIND(tag='stocks' AND type=ts).

column_name, current_column_name, new_column_name

The name of a column to be added or renamed. Can be alphanumeric, but is not allowed to start with a number.


The data type to be associated with the column. Can be any of INT64, DOUBLE, BLOB or TIMESTAMP.

4.4. Examples

Add a single column to an existing table:

ALTER TABLE example ADD my_int INT64

Add multiple columns to an existing table:

ALTER TABLE example ADD my_int INT64, my_double DOUBLE, my_blob BLOB, my_ts TIMESTAMP

Rename a single column of an existing table:

ALTER TABLE example RENAME my_int TO my_new_int

Rename multiple columns of an existing table:

ALTER TABLE example RENAME my_int TO my_new_int, my_double TO my_new_double

Swap names of columns in an existing table:

ALTER TABLE example RENAME column_a TO column_b, column_b TO column_a