1. Create table

1.1. Synopsis

CREATE TABLE <table_name> [ IF NOT EXISTS ] ( [
  { <column_name> <data_type> }
  [, ... ]
] )
[ SHARD_SIZE [=] <duration> ]

1.2. Description

CREATE TABLE will create a new table in a QuasarDB cluster with the specified schema. A special timestamp column is automatically created, which is what new data will be indexed on. If table_name already exists, CREATE TABLE will fail, unless IF NOT EXISTS is specified, in which case it will succeed and keep the original table intact.

1.3. Parameters


The name of the table to be created. Can be alphanumeric, but is not allowed to start with a number.


The name of a column to be created in the new table. Can be alphanumeric, but is not allowed to start with a number.


The data type to be associated with the column. Can be any of INT64, DOUBLE, BLOB or TIMESTAMP.


The size (as time duration) of a single shard (bucket). The syntax is described in section Durations.

1.4. Examples

Create a table with only a single column:

CREATE TABLE example (my_int INT64)

Create a table with multiple columns:

CREATE TABLE example (my_int INT64, my_double DOUBLE, my_blob BLOB, my_ts TIMESTAMP)

Create a table with a custom shard size:

CREATE TABLE example (my_double DOUBLE) SHARD_SIZE = 1hour 2min 3s

Creates the table as specified if it does not exists, leaves the existing table untouched if it does exist: